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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  December 4, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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>>megyn: thanks for watching, everyone. "studio b" with shepard smith starts now. >>shepard: have a great day. the news begins anew on stub with -- on "studio b" with violence in syria sparking new threats of global proportion. the deadly chemical weapons are on the move. new developments this afternoon, and we have team coverage on signs that the region could get swept in the chaos. >> and the murder-suicide in the nfl, with the rising star's final words were of great interest to investigators and what the teammates and coaches knew of his troubled at home which were many.
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>> super storm sandy took out homes, took out their homes, but it can't take their christmas. the blue angels giving the smallest victim as big reason to smile. well show you unless breaking news changes everything. this is "studio b." but first from fox at 3:00 in new york city, new signs today that crisis in syria could spiral into a global conflict. today, nato joined the world powers with stern warning of threats of possible intervention coming today amid u.s. intelligence reports that they have moved dangerous chemical weapons. the sources say it involved movement in weapon sites, the teach activity they have not seen at all before. analysts say they believe syria could have throughs of chemical agents on their hands, including mustard gas and sarin gas, a
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deadly nerve gas. the syrian civil war intensifies. today, officials say a mortar slanted to a 9 the grade classroom in damascus killed a dozen students. the news agency blames "terrorists," a term the syrian government uses often to describe the rebels fighting against the government which is killing its own people. activists say the government has killed more than 40,000 people, or at least 40,000 have died in the civil war which broke out well more than a year ago. we have team fox coverage. now to the state department with reaction from the united states and nato. first to the chief fox correspondent at the united nations this afternoon. it seems there is a battle for a capital city that could be shaping up and that is crucially important. >>jonathan: yes. there is no doubt we have entered a new and very significant stage in the battle for syria and that is in essence of battle for the capital of
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damascus which has been going on for five or six days. president bashar al-assad wants do and indeed has to hang on to the capital if he is to stay in power. there are many experts who believe either way, he has decided to fight to the death. either if he tries to flow he will be killed by his own supporters who will feel betrayed him him or ultimately he will be killed by the rebels. this, while it does seem to be the end days for the bashar al-assad regime, it could yet stretch on for some days or even weeks. that because the rebels simply are not strong enough to defeat the syrian security forces in one battle. what we are seeing is an intense battle of attrition. most experts will tell you, his days are numbered. >> the big question on the international stage now, jonathan, will he use the
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chemical weapons at the last moment. >>jonathan: there are real concerns. a lot of people call him a cornered rat fighting to the death and therefore use every weapon in his arsenal. there are others, though, who think that assad is highly unlikely to do that, he has been wanted by everyone, including his allies, the russians, that it would be a grave mistake. the latest warning coming from the british prime minister today. listen. >> we have already sent our own clear private message to the syrian regime directly about the serious consequences that would follow from the use of such weapons. >>jonathan: now, it is worth remembering that the concern over chemical weapons will not end if and when assad goes. it has been said repeatedly that we do not know who the strongest factions are among the syrian
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rebels, on may get their hands on those chemical weapons if the syrian army is routed or if they simply disappear into the hillside when assad falls so the fate of the weapons will be a concern for a long-term to come. >>shepard: as the violence in syria continues it is spilling into turkey so nato is deploying patriot anti-missle systems to the turkish border and the nato secretary-general calls it a safeguard but is warning that if sear -- syria reports to these weapons there will be a problem. who supplies the ain't missiles? >>reporter: they are u.s. manufactured but will be supplied to turkey pending the relevant approval from the parliament in question expect bid germany and the netherlands.
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turkey will receive several of the models which is designed to intercept incoming missiles and several hundred nato troops will be deployed to separate them and will be under the command of nato supreme allied commander in europe. any deployment will be defensive only. it will in no way support a in fly zone or any offensive operation. >> syria possessions missiles. we know they have the chemical weapons. of course, they also would have to be included in our calculations. this is will the reason why it is a matter of urgency to ensure effective defensive protection of our ally, turkey. >>reporter: these missile batteries will be programmed only to intercept missiles coming from syria which will be in operation in a few weeks. >>shepard: the syrian president is being wanted not to use the weapons but are there
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signs he could be getting the message? >>reporter: the white house press secretary seems to think so. >> the president spoke of this explicitly and we had this conversation yesterday about another component being proliferation. it is you spy, syria, or proliferation of, the chemical weapons stockpiles. it is hard to imagine they are not fully aware of the seriousness of the president's position on this. >> secretary of state clinton is in brawls attending the nato foreign minister session. she emphasized that the patriot system being deployed to turkey are not meant to destabilize the already uneasy relationship with russia as the spokesman at home urged now to join the international community in helping to ease bashar al-assad. >>shepard: thank you from the state department. that is the reporting. now the context and perspective. now to the director of the program on arab politics at the
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washington institute for near east policy a "american bandstand" group of scholars whose mission is to advance america's interests overseas. how big a move is this movement of chemical weapons? what does it tell us in the big picture? >>guest: it is very significant. it highlights the desperation of assad regime, the fact he is mixing the recursors of sarin gas, that is a scare tactic for us to keep us out of it, and, also, warning the people of syria he could be prepared to use these if he is brought down. >>shepard: based on what the united states has said and not said or done, what is the united states goal? >>guest: the united states does not want to be involved militarily. 40,000 dead on the ground that we know and another 40,000 missing and likely resumed dead,
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we don't want to get involved militarily or set up a in fly zone. we have left saudis to arm the rebels in turkey but the result of that is mostly islamists have been getting the weapons in syria. we want this to end quickly and we would like russia to offer an escape package for bashar al-assad but there is little hope for that. >>shepard: you have spoken of the troops which we are said to have in jordan. tell us of their training and what indications we get from it? >>guest: from open source press, there was a u.s. massive special forces exercise in jordan a few months ago named eager lion, and lion is the name for "assad" and we left a number of special forces troops forward position in jordan doing contingency planning in case assad falls. there are 40 separate sites and
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dill take 1,500 to 2,000 soldiers to defend and secure each of the installations which is 60,000 to 80,000 united states personnel. >>shepard: thank you, director of the program on arab politics at the washington institute. nice of you to come, sir. >> four weeks and counting until we hit the fiscal cliff that everyone is talking about and in public the democrats and the republicans still say they are nowhere close to getting anything done. almost? the latest offer and rejections in washington and protests broke through the barbed wire at presidential palace in the country that is supposed to keep israel and the palestinians from going to war? an update ahead. we have just gotten remainly word of a possible short list of cabinet members for the president. who do you think for defense secretary? someone from the left or the
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>>shepard: they are leaking at white house. it has been leaked to the reuters news agency that on president obama's short list for defense secretary is the republican, former republican senator, chuck hagel. it is interesting that, today, the white house is doing some leaking to news agencies. reuters cited an administration official, that is all we know, but chuck hagel is on the short list. and the white house says reuters and us plans to announce the new defense secretary and secretary of state, some time over the next two weeks. >> too little, too late; president obama's response to the g.o.p. plan to avoid the cliffally. in an interview with blomberg tv the president said there is not enough time to pull off the
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republican's proposal that overhauls the tax system and entitlements at tate days from going over the fiscal cliff which is called the series of spending cuts and expiring tax breaks which would be an economic disaster. the sticking point is the call for higher taxes for families, higher taxes on amounts earned above $250,000. everyone gets the tax cut, the first $250,000 is not taxable only but that. the president says, look, i ran on this and i am going to do this. but he is signaling he could be flexible on how high they would go. ed henry is like. this has been out there for a few days. >>reporter: that right. the president had the governors in today and they underdiscover the fiscal cliff will not just impact the national economy but have a lot of impact on state and local economies, as well, and their state budgets, et
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cetera. the president, though, is standing firm. and jake carney saying unless the republicans give in on tax rates and raise the bush tax rates on the rich, there is no deal and the president is willing to go off the cliff. they hammered speaker boehner's proposal. >> we don't know who pays. we don't know what we are talking about in terms actual legislation to increase revenues it is magic beans and fairy dust. >>reporter: it doesn't sound like they are ready for a compromise. he said they do not take speaker boehner's proposal seriously enough to offer a counterpropsal so the white house believes the ball is still in the republicans' court. >>shepard: but speaker boehner has moved, if shiply and if for the first time in public but he has moved. >>reporter: he has. he is not willing yet, not yet,
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anyway, willing to raise tax rates. in speaker boehner's proposal he put revenue, tax revenue of $800 billion on the table. you her the white house said this was not enough detail but they say in the republican side it would be from limiting deductions and republican leader said this. >> republicans have move add great deal. who was the first person right after the election, the speaker went down and provided revenue. we had not heard that before. when has the president offered the spending cuts? that is the hold up. >>reporter: still fighting over revenue and spending cuts, that is where we started the debate. last night when they had a congressional holiday party at white house we are told that speaker boehner did not go through the receiving line so, basically at this moment they are not talking directly. that does not sound like they moving the ball forward. >>shepard: in public.
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>> a strike at major ports in california could make it harder to find gifts this holiday season. we will have an update on negotiations. and iran military leaders say they captured a united states drone. again. but the united states says hang on, iran, so what is this thing the iranians are showing on iranian state tv? that is ahead. [ female announcer ] the humana walmart-preferred rx plan p-d-p
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>>shepard: officials are denying claims that iran has captured another american drone. the denial is after iranian state television aired images of this. it appears to be a boeing eagle drone. iranian commanders claim it entered their airspace the past few days but the navy says all
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this, all of the unmanned airline vehicles are accounted for, thank you. it points out that several gulf nations use the same types of unmanned surveillance aircraft so maybe it was someone else's. david lee, what else is iran claiming? >>reporter: well, iran is claiming it entered iranian airspace and the naval chief said it took off from an aircraft carrier. iranian state tv is using the word "capture" saying it was captured but they are not releasing details of where or when. a commentator said it was on a mission over the persian gulf and the navy says all unmanned air vehicles are accounted for. over the years, drones of which this was allegedly one, have been lost in the water and that happened in october. the navy believes that drone came apart as designed and sank. among other countries that use
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this drone in the area, the united arab emirates and kuwait and this is a very low tech product that essentially is a flying camera with a transmitter and the iranians may not be aware this particular drone was originally designed to monitor fishing boats do make sure they were catching dolphin-free tuna. >>shepard: last time the iranians claimed they captured an american drone they captured an american drone. >>reporter: they did. but we have to keep in mind they have a history of being less-than-truthful. they have claimed on a number of occasions they captured an american drone and that was not the case. interestingly a year ago to the day they claimed they captured a c.i.a. drone that was said they hacked into the navigation system which was far more
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sophisticated. this drone can gather electronic data. washington asked for it back and iran refuse asked last month there was another incident when iran claimed a drone violated airspace and the pentagon said it was fired on twice but it was not shot down and the united states maintains that drone was at all times over international waters. >>shepard: the drone of the day. thank you. a strike grounded the busiest sea port complex in all of the country. it is at a halt. that could be bad news for holiday shopping. that is because many u.s. stores rely on this port in southern california where they receive shipments of everything from clothing to furniture to tv's hundreds of port workers walked off a week ago. the union says the managers are outsourcing the work to save money. and now to the port in long beach. adam?
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>>reporter: retailers are starting to be affected. it has been ongoing disagreement for 30 months culminating with how workers walking out, 10,000 long shoremen and they also will not i don't, they will honor the strike taking place by the workers which means this port is shut down. only 10 percent is getting through. this is a long beach portion. long beach and los angeles, together, the largest port complex in the country with 40 percent of container traffic coming through here. just offshore that ship, one of 20 that has been sitting out there has been out there for a week waiting to come in. we talked with the port of long beach and the port of los angeles and they are on the outside looking in and are frustrated. this is really starting to affect everyone in the country not just the local communities. >> it is not only cargo coming into the port but cargo that is
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coming from the land side, our exports that are important to our economy. so in a lot of cases of food products and so on, some of those products are spoiling in the containers. >> some of the containers looking down are sitting offshore and the mayor of los angeles got involved this morning and he now says a federal mediator is coming in, and he doesn't have a magic wand but he hopes this helps as both sides are on opposite sides of the spectrum. take a listen. >> there is a lot at stake here. i don't have a magic wand. i can't just dictate to labor or to management what their bottom lines are. that is the way it works. these things take time. what i have said, time is running out. >>reporter: we are told both sides are meeting. this is costing $1 billion a day. there is one major point they are not agreeing on, how people are hired as jobs go away and
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people retire, do the jobs stay here or can they go overseas? that is the big contention, as they meet. the mediator will be here tonight to help take part in the talks. >>shepard: $1 billion a day! >> a major escalation in the protests in egypt as demonstrators have stormed the presidential palace with what dictators are call -- what the demonstrators are calling the "final warning," after this power grab by president morsi. >> and another storm coming up and taking aim. ♪
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dictator. critics say he did so to ram through a constitution that restricts free speech but the president has plenty of backers, the muslim brotherhood has been out in force with counter protesters arguing the power grab was necessary to speed along the transition to the new government. and steve harrigan is our man in cairo. how big a threat are the protesters there to the president in. >> what we saw tonight is clearly an escalation on behalf of the protesters who want do drive morsi from the government. they broke through iron gates and went through barbed wire and only with the use of tear gas they were kept off the presidential palace. they never breached the walls of the compound. as far as security threat it could be overstated. he does not live in the palace but in a cairo suburb. so he did actually leave the palace while the protest was going on. >>shepard: anything from him at all? do we know if he is standing
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firm or what did we have? >>reporter: well, no sign of compromise from the president. the strategy of the government seems to be to try and avoid bloodshed and back up as long as possible without giving in. they have a boost today with the chief judges in the council said they will monitor the referendum on the new constitution december 15 so that gives what he is doing a sense legitimacy and is a blow to the opposition. >>shepard: thank you, and now to the assistant manage manage editor of the the "wall street journal," parent company of this network. escalation, but how much? >>guest: that certainly is an escalation in the streets but is it across broader cairo society? there have been calls for civil disobedience and we see evidence of that with some newspapers not publishing and radio stations not broadcasting tomorrow but you do not see it broadly across
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egypt. this is substantial. it looks for right now as your reporter pointed out, it look like the referendum is going through. >>shepard: do you get the sense that president morsi will retreat? >>guest: the reporting suggests he is moving ahead and he feels he has enough support in the muslim brotherhood and he has, now, a draft constitution, and that enough judges will be there to sanctify this referendum and they can codify the gains the muslim brotherhood made. the opposition is concerned that they had their first election and their last election and there will be a consolidation by the muslim brotherhood it will impede liberty. >>shepard: the reading of the constitution suggests that they are -- their democracy will only last a few days but this is a new dictatorship from the constitution. >>guest: there are limitations
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on free speech and other aspects of life in egypt. liberals, and christians, and non-muslim brotherhood members, they are quite concerned. that is what we are seeing in the streets, an expression of that concern, that the liberties will be constrained. >>shepard: egypt is an enormous power player, brokering the peace between israelis and hamas in the palestinian territories, is it your sense from the reporting this others in the world will intervene? >>guest: i don't think so. the rest of the world particularly the obama administration, is happy to let a version of democracy play out. we will see how democratic this process is. the rest of the world will shift attention to syria. there is concern whether or not they are actually preparing chemical weapons in the fight against the rebels. there is a military concern in syria. egypt is an issue but not a
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pressing issue. >>shepard: we are not getting trick chemicals of headlines from jordan and bahrain. >>guest: when the arab spring happened it cracked open tensions that have been existing for decades and the muslim brotherhood felt finally they had an opportunity to express themselves in a constrained society and they do thought want to let go of the powers they is gotten in the election. >>shepard: thank you. it is extreme the weather on the west coast, storm soaked northern california cannot catch a break. they are bracing for another drenching on top of the 20" of rain that has fallen in some places. the latest storm is the fur the to slam the region in just a week. the nonstop rain created sinkholes across northern california. this is one road that gave way. it sliced through the utility
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lines and the winds snapped trees and tower lines and left tens of thousands in the dark. in san francisco, officials say the rain overwhelmed the sewer lines and they had to release 80 million gallons of partly treated sewage into the bay. and now, this is rough out this. >> the last five days they have gotten in some cases close to 2' of rain. a lot of the areas in the mountains and the moisture is squeezed up across the mountains so close to 2' in a few areas. this is the mountains of northern and central california and they could see an additional 1" to 4" of the next round and cold temperatures in the east. but here is the next storm system, portions of oregon, northern california, and washington, you will, again, get an additional 1", 3" or 4" of
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rain and 1' to 2' of snow in was -- the cascades. >>shepard: we went to bed here in december and woke up in june. what the hell is going on in the northeast? >>guest: a cold prompt and ahead of that front very warm, humid air. my husband was putting the christmas decorations up in a short sleeved t-shirt, 60 right now in new york, and 71 in raleigh, 10- to 20-even 30 degrees above where we should be and record highs in some cases and records for the month of december. oklahoma city, 79 yesterday. washington, dc, 71. chicago, 70. but the temperatures are going to drop. this time tomorrow, 40 in chicago and the cold air will visit us in the northeast, as well. >>shepard: well, it is december.
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santa cannot get here if it is cold he will end up in florida. >> scam artists are stealing hundreds of thousands of identities to get their hands on billions of our tax money and we are learning more about the warning with nfl player belcher and what he said before he pulled the trigger. stay tuned. ♪
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in the parking lot of the chief's stadium with the team's general manager, head coach and defensive coordinator standing there helpless. the star reports that he said i killed her. and asked they take care of his three-month-old daughter and said, guys, i have to do this. the 25-year-old reportedly kneeled and made the sign of the cross and shot himself in the head. that cross sign probably did not help. we are learn new details of the problems he was dealing with before all of this happened. not to put an excuse on anything but here is trace gallagher. the chiefs new there was trouble in the relationship. >>trace: in fact, they were providing jovan belcher with couples counseling but right before he killed himself he told the chiefs general manager the counseling was not enough. we are also now learning that hours before the shooting,
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kasandra came home from a concert at 1:00 o'clock in the morning and they argued and jovan belcher left the house. he was fund sleeping if his bentley an hour and a half later and they knocked on the window and he said he was waiting for a girlfriend and called another woman, he went inside that other woman's apartment, and he stayed there until 6:30 in the morning and he left and got home at 7:00 in the morning and that is when that final argument began. >>shepard: the bently was seen in front of the other woman's house repeatedly and now we get word he has a hit or had a history of violence. >>trace: involving women. we pulled a report from fix 26 when he was at the university of maine and it details the violent outburst and i quote, "i found him being treated the injuries consistent of possible sever thumb and laceration to the wrist and i was told belcher was upset over a girl and punched out a window."
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we have confirmed, now, that jovan belcher use the one gun to kill his girlfriend and another gun to kill himself. as you said earlier we have finally confirmed that he did, in fact, shoot kasandra perkins nine times before going to the stadium and shooting himself. >>shepard: thank yous -- thank you, trace. and agencies are reporting that the head coach of the badgers in wisconsin has been stolen away by the university of arkansas is going to arkansas to fill that series of weird vacancies they were dealing with in arkansas, leaving wisconsin badgers and going to arkansas. >> identity thieves could be trying to get their hands on your tabs return, a sharp increase in the number of scanners filing fraudulent
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returns. science and technology editor is with us now. it looks like they have stolen tens of thousands of people's refunds. >>guest: potentially billions. part of the problem, is identifying that there is a problem. the i.r.s. says they do not know the extent of the problem and it is hard if them to track and identify that something like this is happening. >>shepard: explain what going on. >>guest: it has me disgusted. identity scammers buying something in a store is one thing but they filing fraudulent tax runs, that is something else. >>shepard: they would file my tax returns using their address and if i had a refund it would come back to them? >>guest: exactly. the challenge comes in because if you are like me you find out you getting a refund and you file as soon as you can and you can file in january. businesses and financial institutions do thought have to file their information with the government until the end of
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march. often the i.r.s. doesn't have the information it needs to verify or crosscheck what has gone on. so if it is locking correct, here is a debit card or credit card or whatever account it is, they will deposit the money and they cannot check. >>shepard: what are we supposed to do? >>guest: there is not a lot you can do. it is easy for scammers to get their hands on social security numbers, it is easy to tie those to a name, and i didn't know this was a thing but it is easy for them to file. i would not have thought of it. the best i can say is get the credit report, you can get a free one once a year, and check that thing because if this has happened and you don't know, maybe you did not crosscheck the amounts, you will be checking, you need to check it. >>shepard: get software updated, too, antivirus. >>guest: get the virus
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software and do not passion around. the credit report is essential. >>shepard: special delivery from a team of u.s. navy pilots, the blue angels sending toys and gifts to the families hard hit by super storm sandy in time for the holidays. and from a recent mom to another, snooki from jersey shore has advise to kate middleton now that they are expecting. snooki. ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain;
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>>shepard: prince william and wife kate, a day after we learned they are spenting one baby, a source says that kate
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will have to stay in the hospital in london for several more days. she is battling what is described to us as severe morning sickness. that is what forced the couple to come forward with this pregnancy news. the source went on to say she will need a "period of rest before slow can leave hospital." she got company today. you can see prince william stopped by. and we hear from one of america's most famous recent mothers, snooki, the jersey shore star gave birth to a son and told the new york daily news that she should enjoy the time at home, or the palace. thanks, snooki. >> what if snooki and sooki got into it? two shows, two networks? >> the government's fund for disaster relief will run out of money if they do not receive additional cash according to the
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fema director. he told congress that the relief fund has depleted by more than 25 percent since october. that is mostly because of the aid for victims of super storm sandy and he said the agency has so far earmarked $2 billion for storm relief. remember, the pleas for additional cash come when lawmakers debate possible tax hikes and spending cuts to avoid the fiscal cliff. >> a team of angels delivering gifts to kids in the middle of the storm. the blue angels stunt flying team and they are stocking up the giant plane named fat albert with toys and other donations for toys for tots holt day campaign. it will make a difference for people on the northeast coast where hurricane sandy destroyed or damaged hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses. this is an annual tradition. last year they made the special delivery to the tornado ravaged state of alabama.
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and now, jonathan is live in new jersey along the shore. who gets the toys, jonathan? >> it is for families who are struggling to buy christmas gifts. in this case, here, a lot of the folks are struggle after super storm sandy. we met one family from another nearby community along the coast, toms river new jersey, and he is a volunteer firefighter out performing rescues during the storm although his own home at the time was taking on water. now, his kids are getting a little help from the blue angels and toys for tots. >> very humbling to be on the other end of this. i would rather be doing the giving and helping than receiving. but it is nice to know there is appreciation from everyone. >>reporter: united way says so many local charities when the storm came through were focused on getting life saving supplies
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to the folks that toys took a back seat so they appreciate this outside help coming in so in will, indeed, be toys under the christmas trees of the families. >>shepard: you think of the blue angels of being dare devil pilots. >>reporter: their mission is to showcase the capabilities of the marines and the navy. because the marines and navy are constantly doing humanitarian missions around the world, the pilot, one of the pilots on the aircraft said what they are doing now is in keeping with that mission. >> we are america's force in readiness, whether that is protecting interests abroad or taking care of our families here, that is what the marines do. >> the reserves have been involved with toys for tots for 65 years now. >>shepard: thank you, jonathan
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from the jersey shore. >> you want a dog, right, the kid will take it out, walk it, make sure it is fed, right? of course not. today, how you can rent one. hang on. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain.
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but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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>>shepard: puppies are great, aren't they? not everyone loves them but most people do. certainly everyone you can see does. cute. furry. and great chick magnets. a student at bridge ham young university has realized though are not for everyone but everyone might need them if you are walking in the park. so there is a business opportunity. a woman is renting puppies by the hour. the name of the company is puppies for rent. the charge? $15 for the first hour and $10 each additional hour. she started it last summer and has four employees and


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